As you can see, I like the category "Randomness". This is probably my favorite category as well as my favorite word, favorite type of humor... You get it. Anyway...I digress...
The W-O-O-D Radio Talent Show
This was such fun and such a whipping that I don't know if we will do it again next year, although I cannot imagine missing this experience. It all started with my friend and fellow Wood Elementary cult member, Cara Hackley. See, Cara is a Wood veteran. Having already gone through 6 years of elementary education with her oldest son and 3 years with her middle it was her turn to introduce me to the ropes. She wrangled me into helping her on the Wood Wild West Carnival committee which immediatley introduced me to many other wonderful cult members, all equally as brainwashed as I am. She helped me figure out the various aspects of the PTA, the dynamics of school involvement, and has really showed me how much fun this all is. I hated school and thisreally like living it all over again, except that this time I don't have to hang out with any one that I don't want to and I can leave school whenever I am bored. Oh, and I don't have to sit by the crazy kid!!! Oh, and the bonus, I get to see Ms. McNutt nearly every day. I love that woman!
Anyway, one day after school Cara asked me if Landry would be interested in being in the talent show with her son, Garrison, and a group of other kindergarten boys. I really didn't think Landry would be interested, but he immediately said yes! We spent weeks practicing a routine that Cara and I coreographed. Hee Hee, me coreograph! The boys were so excited and little bit nervous but we had a great time! I will see if I can download the video so you can watch it.